
The ever-expanding lore of Cosmic Universe

Origins of Crypton

At the very dawn of the universe were seven beings of extraordinary power called the Elementals who could come together to create worlds. All equal, all unique; each of the Seven had powers of their own, but in order to create entire worlds they had to come together in a single collective known as the Prism. Crypton was the first planet to be forged by The Prism, but certainly not the last. As the millennia went by, the Seven thought to populate the universe they were creating.

The Prism assigned the Elementals to create all life.

· Eteru, the Aether Elemental conjured the Wizards

· Kaze, the Air Elemental created the Elves

· Sunda, the Crystal Elemental moulded the Felines

· Tsuchi, the Earth Elemental birthed the Apes

· Netsu, the Fire Elemental made the Dwarves

· Iwa, the Stone Elemental fashioned the Trolls

· Nami, the Water Elemental forged the Yetis

All seven races live in relative harmony and use their unique skills to build settlements and help Planet Crypton grow into something truly magical. Scholars all across Crypton have been researching since their creation to find the source of The Tree of Magic’s power, but none have yet made the discovery.

As much as they loved Crypton, many looked to the stars and aspired to explore the universe and settle on other planets as well, along with meeting and trading with other races on those planets to see what they could collectively create.

Perhaps, they thought, they would become creators of realms themselves. Climbing the Ascension Ladder to become Etherea Lumina would become their highest pursuit.

Their one obstacle to achieving this noble pursuit are the Egregores...amorphous mind viruses that grow in power within weak minds. Those who succumb to the Egregores end up disturbing the serenity of the entire realm, as these mind viruses can spread to others who lack mental fortitude. There are some whose shadows become expanded to such a degree that extraordinary feats must be undertaken by the 7 Root Races to ensure peace and progress is restored to Crypton and beyond.

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